Photos by Benita Marcussen and Anders Sune Berg
Dependables is a sculptural storages system inspired by the simple ritual of storing. A box is the symbol of storing as a way of protecting and caring for our stored things. The perforated sides gives the boxes a decorative appearance as well as tell small tales of the stored objects. The craft is omnipresent in the Walnut boxes. Handcrafted details inside the box emphasizes the value of the stored objects as the rounded edges seems to shield them.
We all have those possessions that we need to surround ourselves with – that makes us us – maybe we dont need to be in visual contact with them but knowing that they are there, stored safely and beautifully assures us that everything is all-right. Thus the name – Dependables – each box depend on the next in a functional system where every single box put together becomes a totem of your most prized possessions – something you cam always depend on!